Colombo crime family

Colombo crime family

Boss Carmine Persico, currently serving life in prison
In New York City, USA
Founded by Joseph Profaci, named after Joseph Colombo, Sr.
Years active c. 1928-present
Territory Various neighborhoods over New York City
Ethnicity Italian, Italian-American, Sicilian, Sicilian-American made men and other ethnicities as "associates"
Membership 40-50 (active) made members[1] (2011 estimate), unknown number of associates
Criminal activities Arms trafficking, arson, assault, battery, bribery, burglary, cigarette smuggling, chop shop, conspiracy, contract killing, counterfeiting, drug trafficking, extortion, fencing, fraud, illegal gambling, larceny, loansharking, money laundering, murder, Racketeering, robbery, skimming, theft, truck hijacking, pornography, prostitution, tax evasion, and protection racket.
Allies Gambino, Bonanno, Lucchese, Genovese and Detroit crime families
Rivals Various gangs over NYC including their allies

The Colombo crime family is the youngest of the "Five Families" that dominates organized crime activities in New York City, United States, within the nationwide criminal phenomenon known as the Mafia (or Cosa Nostra).

In 1928, Joseph Profaci formed the Profaci crime family. Profaci would rule his family without interruption or challenge until the late 1950s.[2][3] From 1959 to 1983, the Colombo family fought three internal wars. The first war took place during the late 1950s when capo Joe Gallo revolted against Profaci. The first war lost momentum in the early 1960s when Gallo was arrested and Profaci died of cancer. The family then came together under boss Joseph Colombo. In 1971, the second family war began after Gallo's release from prison and the shooting of Colombo. Colombo supporters led by Carmine Persico won the second war after the exiling of the Gallo crew to the Genovese family in 1975. The family would now enjoy two decades of peace under Persico and his string of acting bosses.

In 1991, the third and bloodiest war erupted when acting boss Victor Orena tried to seize power from the imprisoned Carmine Persico. The family split into factions loyal to Orena and Persico and two years of mayhem ensued. In 1993, with 12 family members dead and Orena imprisoned, the war was over with Persico the winner. He was left with a family decimated by war. In the 2000s, the family was crippled by multiple convictions in federal racketeering cases and numerous members becoming government witnesses. Most observers believe that the Colombo crime family is the weakest of the Five Families of New York City.[1]




In September 1921, Joseph Profaci arrived in New York City from Villabate, Sicily, Italy.[2] After struggling in Chicago with his businesses, Profaci moved back to Brooklyn in 1925 and become a well known olive oil importer. On September 27, Profaci obtained his American citizenship.[2] With his olive oil importing business doing well, Profaci made deals with friends from his old town in Sicily and one of his largest buyers was Tampa mobster Ignazio Italiano. Profaci controlled a small criminal gang that operated mainly in Brooklyn. The dominant Cosa Nostra groups in Brooklyn were led by Salvatore D'Aquila, Frankie Yale, Giuseppe Masseria, and Nicola Schiro.

On July 1, 1928, Brooklyn mobster Frankie Yale was murdered by Chicago Outfit boss Al Capone's hit-men.[4] Capone murdered Yale because Yale refused to give Capone, a Neopolitan, control over the Unione Siciliana fraternal association.[4][5] Yale's murder allowed Profaci and his brother in-law Joseph Magliocco to gain territory for their small gang.[2] Profaci's gang gained territory in Bensonhurst, Bay Ridge, Red Hook and Carroll Gardens while the rest of Yale's group went to the Masseria family.

On October 10, 1928, the capo di tutti capi, Salvatore "Toto" D'Aquila, was murdered, resulting in a fight for D'Aquila's territory.[2] To prevent a gang war in Brooklyn, a Mafia meeting was called on December 5, 1928, at the Statler Hotel in Cleveland, Ohio. The site was chosen because it was neutral territory outside New York under Porrello crime family control and protection. The main topic was dividing D'Aquila's territory.[2] Attendees representing Brooklyn included Profaci, Magliocco, Vincent Mangano (who reported to D'Aqulia family boss Alfred "Al Mineo" Manfredi), Joseph Bonanno (who represented Salvatore Maranzano and the Castellammarese Clan), Chicago mobsters Joseph Guinta and Pasquale Lolordo, and Tampa mobster Ignazio Italiano.[2] At the end of the meeting, Profaci received a share of D'Aqulia's Brooklyn territory.

The Castellammarese War

Months after the D'Aquila murder, Joe Masseria began a campaign to become Capo di tutti capi (Boss of Bosses) in the United States demanding tribute from the remaining three Mafia groups in New York City which included the Reina family, the Castellammarese Clan and the Profaci family.[6] Castellammarese Clan boss Salvatore Maranzano began his own campaign to become boss of bosses, this started the Castellammarese War. Masseria along with his allie Alfred Manfredi, the new boss of the D'Aquila family ordered the murder of Gaetano Reina. Masseria believed that Reina was going to support Maranzano to become the new boss of bosses. On February 26, 1930, Gaetano Reina was murdered and Masseria appointed Joseph Pinzolo as the new boss of the Reina family. During the war Profaci remained neutral, while he secretly supported Maranzano.

The Castellammarese War ended when Charles "Lucky" Luciano, a Masseria lieutenant, betrayed him to Maranzano. Luciano set up the murder of Masseria on April 15, 1931.[6] Maranzano then became the new Capo di tutti capi in the United States. Within a few months, Maranzano and Luciano were plotting to kill each other. On September 10, 1931, Luciano had Maranzano killed and created the Mafia Commission. Now there would be five independent Cosa Nostra families in New York City and twenty one additional families across the United States that were regulated by a supreme Commission in New York.[6]

First Colombo War (1960-1963)

Joseph Profaci had become a wealthy Mafia boss and was known as "the olive-oil and tomato paste king of America".[7] One of Profaci's most unpopular demands was a $25 monthly tribute from every soldier in his family. In the late 1950s, capo Frank "Frankie Shots" Abbatemarco became a problem for Joe Profaci. Abbatemarco controlled a lucrative policy game that earned him nearly $2.5 million a year with an average of $7,000 a day in Red Hook, Brooklyn.[7][8] In early 1959, Abbatemarco, with the support of Gallo brothers and the Garfield Boys, began refusing to pay tribute to Profaci.[8] By late 1959, Abbatemarco's debt had grown to $50,000 and Profaci allegedly ordered Joe Gallo to murder Abbatemarco. However, other versions of the story indicate that Gallo played no part in this murder.[8] In return for Abbatemarco's murder, Profaci allegedly agreed to give the Gallos control over Abbatemarco's policy game.[9] On November 4, 1959, Frank Abbatemarco walked out of his cousin's bar in Park Slope, Brooklyn and was shot and killed by Joseph Gioielli and another hitman.[8][10] Profaci then ordered the Gallos to hand over Abbatemaro's son Anthony. The Gallos refused and Profaci refused to give them the policy game. This was the start of the First Colombo war.[8] The Gallo brothers and the Garfield boys (led by Carmine Persico) were aligned against Profaci and his loyalists.[7][9]

On February 27, 1961 the Gallos kidnapped four of Profaci's top men: underboss Joseph Magliocco, Frank Profaci (Joe Profaci's brother), capo Salvatore Mussachia and soldier John Scimone. Profaci himself eluded capture and flew to sanctuary in Florida.[7] While holding the hostages, Larry and Albert Gallo sent Joe Gallo to California. Profaci's Consigliere Charles "the Sidge" LoCicero negotiated with the Gallos and all the hostages were released peacefully.[11] However, Profaci had no intention of honoring this peace agreement. On August 20, 1961 Joseph Profaci ordered the murder of Gallo members Joseph "Joe Jelly" Gioielli and Larry Gallo. Gunmen allegedly murdered Gioilli after inviting him to go deep sea fishing. Gallo survived a strangulation attempt in the Sahara club of East Flatbush by Carmine Persico and Salvatore "Sally" D'Ambrosio after a police officer intervened.[7][9] The Gallos then began calling Persico "The Snake"; he had betrayed them, the war continued on resulting in nine murders and three disappearances.[9]

In late November 1961, Joe Gallo was sentenced to seven-to-fourteen years in prison for murder.[12] In 1962, Joe Profaci died of cancer, leaving Joe Magliocco, his longtime underboss, as the new boss. The war continued on between the two factions. In 1963, Carmine Persico survived a car bombing and his enforcer Hugh McIntosh was shot in the groin as he attempted kill Larry Gallo.[12] On May 19, 1963, a Gallo hit team shot Carmine Persico multiple times, but Persico survived.[12]

In 1963, Magliocco and Bonanno boss Joseph Bonanno hatched an audacious plan to murder bosses Carlo Gambino, Tommy Lucchese, Stefano Magaddino and Frank DeSimone and take over the Mafia Commission.[13] Joseph Magliocco gave the murder contact to Joseph Colombo. Colombo either feared for his life, or sensed an opportunity for advancement, and instead reported the plot to The Commission. Both Magliocco and Bonanno were forced to retire.[13]

Colombo and Italian American Civil Rights League

In 1963, the Commission rewarded Joseph Colombo for his loyalty by making him boss of what was now the Colombo crime family. Along with former Gallo crew member Nicholas Bianco and New England family boss Raymond Patriarca, Colombo was able to end the war.[7] As a reward for his loyalty, Bianco was made into the Colombo family.[14] As boss, Colombo brought peace and stability to the broken crime family. However, some Cosa Nostra bosses viewed Colombo as Carlo Gambino's "puppet boss" and felt he never deserved the title.[7] Colombo's leadership was never challenged due to his support from Carlo Gambino. In 1968, Gallo crew leader Larry Gallo died of cancer.[7]

In 1969, Colombo founded the Italian-American Civil Rights League, dedicated to fighting discrimination against Italian-Americans. Many mobsters disapproved of the League because it brought unwanted public attention to the Cosa Nostra.[7] Colombo ignored their concerns and continued gaining support for his league. On July 28, 1970, Colombo held the first league demonstration, a big success.[7] In 1971, months before the second demonstration, the other New York bosses ordered their men to stay away from the demonstration and not support Colombo's cause.[7] Also in 1971, Colombo lost one of his biggest supporters, the league's chief organizer Gambino family capo Joseph DeCicco, who had become ill and resigned.[7] In 1971, Joe Gallo was also released from prison. At the time of his release, Gallo said the 1963 peace agreement did not apply to him because he was in prison when it was negotiation.[15]

Second Colombo War (1971-1975)

On June 28, 1971, Colombo held the second League demonstration at Columbus Circle in Manhattan.[7] As Colombo prepared to speak, an African-American man, Jerome Johnson, walked up to Colombo and shot him in the back of the head three times; seconds later, Colombo's bodyguards shot Johnson to death.[7] The shooting did not kill Colombo but left him paralyzed for seven years; he died of natural causes on May 22, 1978.[16] Although many in the Colombo family blamed Joe Gallo for the shooting, the police eventually concluded that Johnson was a lone gunman.[15] Regardless, the Colombo shooting triggered the Second Colombo war.

Colombo's Consigliere Joseph Yacovelli became the family acting boss, and he directed a new campaign to murder Joe Gallo and his crew.[16] On April 7, 1972, acting on a quick tip, four gunmen walked into Umberto's Clam House in Little Italy and killed Joe Gallo as he was dining with his family.[16] Looking for revenge, Albert Gallo sent a gunman from Las Vegas to the Neopolitan Noodle restaurant in Manhattan, where Yacovelli, Alphonse Persico, and Langella were dining one day. However, the gunman did not recognize the mobsters and shot four innocent diners instead, killing two of them.[17] After this assassination attempt, Yacovelli fled New York, leaving Carmine Persico as the new boss.[18]

The Second Colombo war continued on and off for the next several years. In 1975, the Gallo faction itself split into two groups that started fighting each other. To finally result the conflict, the New York families negotiated an agreement in which Albert Gallo and his remaining crew left the Colombo family and peacefully joined the Genovese family. The Gallo wars were finally over.[19]

The family under Persico

Following the high-profile media exposure of Joseph Colombo and the murderous excesses of Joe Gallo, the Colombo family entered a period of comparative calm and stability. With Colombo in a coma, the family leadership went to Thomas DiBella, a man adept at evading the authorities since his sole bootlegging conviction in 1932. However, DiBella was unable to prevent the Gambino family from chipping away at Colombo rackets, and the Colombos declined in power.[20] Poor health forced DiBella to retire in 1977, and Colombo died in 1978. The Colombo family was facing another power vacuum.

During the 1970s, Carmine Persico had grown in stature within the family and was considered to be the clear successor as boss. However, Persico had spent much of this time in prison, and it was unclear if he could effectively rule the family from prison. Nevertheless, Persico took control, designating Gennaro "Jerry Lang" Langella as his street boss. In 1986, both men were convicted on massive Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) charges and were sentenced to 100 years. In 1988, Persico named Victor Orena as the new acting boss.

Third Colombo War (1991-1993)

Orena, an ambitious capo from Cedarhurst was not content with being acting boss to Persico. In 1990, using his strong ties to Gambino boss John Gotti, Orena petitioned the Mafia Commission to declare him the official boss of the Colombo family. Unwilling to cause more conflict, the Commission refused. On June 21, 1991, an enraged Persico sent gunmen under the leadership of Carmine Sessa to murder Orena at his house. However, Orena managed to escape before the gunmen could strike. The third Colombo war had begun.[20]

While both sides appealed to the Commission for help, the war continued. On November 1991, Gregory Scarpa Sr., a Persico loyalist, was driving his daughter and granddaughter home when several Orena gunmen ambushed them. Scarpa and his relatives managed to escape. The war continued until 1992, when law enforcement imprisoned Orena and most of his loyalists.

Twelve people, including three innocent bystanders, died in this gang war.[21] More than 80 made members and associates from both sides of the Colombo family were convicted, jailed or indicted. These included Persico's brother Theodore "Teddy" Persico and his son Alphonse Persico, DeRoss, and Orena's two sons, Victor Jr. Orena and John Orena.

While the Colombo war raged, the Commission refused to allow any Colombo member to sit on the Commission[22] and considered dissolving the family. Lucchese underboss Anthony Casso proposed to merge the family with his own to end the war,[23] while in 2000 plans were proposed to split its manpower and resources among the remaining families.[24] In 2002, with the help of Bonanno family boss Joseph Massino, the Commission finally allowed the Colombos to rejoin them.

The family after Third Colombo War

When the Third Colombo War ended Carmine "Junior" Persico had remained boss. He designated his son Alphonse "Little Allie Boy" Persico as his successor. In 2004, Alphonse Persico and Underboss John "Jackie" DeRoss were indicted for ordering the 1999 murder of William Cutolo, in December 2007, both men were covicted and sentenced to life in prison.

When Alphonse Persico went to prison Thomas "Tommy Shots" Gioeli, became the new street boss. In June 2008, Gioeli, underboss John "Sonny" Franzese, former consigliere Joel "Joe Waverly" Cacace, captain Dino Calabro, mob soldier Dino Saracino and several members and associates were indicted on multiple racketeering charges which included loan sharking, extortion and three murders dating back to the Colombo Wars.[25][26][27] If convicted, they are all facing life sentences.

After Gioeli was imprisoned, Ralph F. DeLeo, who operated from Boston, Massachusetts, became the new street boss. On December 17, 2009, the FBI charged DeLeo and Colombo family members with drug trafficking, extortion and loansharking in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, Florida and Arkansas.[28][29][30][31]

After DeLeo was imprisoned, Andrew "Andy Mush" Russo, became the new street boss.[32] On January 20, 2011, Russo, Castellazzo, and Fusco were charged with murder, narcotics trafficking, and labor racketeering.[33] In September 2011, Castellazzo and Fusco pleaded guilty to reduced charges.[34] In December 2011, is was revealed that capo Reynold Maragni wore a wire for the FBI and gained information about Thomas Gioeli's role in the 1999 murder of William Cutolo.[35]

Historical leadership

Boss (official and acting)

The Boss (also sometimes called Godfather or Don) is the head of his own family. He makes all the major decisions within the organization. The Boss, Underboss, and Consigliere are the only men allowed to induct an associate into the family. If the Boss is incarcerated or debilitated, he chooses an Acting Boss to enforce his decisions.

Street Boss



Factions of the third war

The Colombo crime family divided into two factions during the third family war (1991 to 1993).

The Persico faction[80]

The Orena faction[82]

Current family members

Current administration


Brooklyn faction

Long Island faction

New England faction


Imprisoned soldiers


Family crews

Controlled unions

Former members and associates


Government informants and witnesses




  1. ^ a b c d e f g Hamilton, Brad (2011-01-30). "The brutal rise and bloody fall of the Colombos". The New York Post. Retrieved 2011-10-24. 
  2. ^ a b c d e f g Critchley, David. The origins of organized crime in America: the New York City mafia, 1891-1931. 2009. Routlege Publishing. (p160-164g.) [1]
  3. ^ Robbins, Michael W. and Palitz, Wendy. Brooklyn: a state of mind. 2001. Workman Publishing. (page104.) [2]
  4. ^ a b Newton, Michael. "The Encyclopedia of Unsolved Crimes." (pg.408)
  5. ^ Nash, Jay Robert. "The Great Pictorial History of World Crime." (pg.535)
  6. ^ a b c Raab, Selwyn. The Five Families: The Rise, Decline & Resurgence of America's Most Powerful Mafia Empire. New York: St. Martins Press, 2005.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Cage, Nicholas. Part II The Mafia at War. New York Magazine. July 17, 1972 (pg.27-36)
  8. ^ a b c d e f g Frankie Abbatemarco is the opening casualty in the Profaci family civil war by David J. Krajicek (September 19, 2010) New York Daily News
  9. ^ a b c d Raab, Selwyn. The Five Families: The Rise, Decline & Resurgence of America's Most Powerful Mafia Empire. New York: St. Martins Press, 2005. (pg. 321-324)
  10. ^ Organized crime by Howard Abadinsky (1985) pg.121
  11. ^ a b c Jerry Capeci The complete idiot's guide to the Mafia (pg. 303)
  12. ^ a b c Capeci, Jerry. The complete idiot's guide to the Mafia p. 305
  13. ^ a b The Mob: How Joe Bonanno Schemed to kill – and lost. Life Magazine Vol. 63, No.9 (September 1, 1967) pg. 15-21
  14. ^ The complete idiot's guide to the Mafia by Jerry Capeci (pg. 40)
  15. ^ a b Gage, Nicholas (April 8, 1972). "Grudges with Gallo Date to War with Profaci". New York Times. Retrieved 25 November 2011. 
  16. ^ a b c d Raab, Selwyn. Five Families pg.197-200
  17. ^ "Tozzi Knew All Three of the Gallo Brothers". Retrieved 22 October 2011. 
  18. ^ Capeci, Jerry The complete idiot's guide to the Mafia pg. 306
  19. ^ Gage, Nicholas (November 7, 1976). "A 'Family Quarrel', Mafia Style". The Palm Beach Post.,2547074. Retrieved 22 October 2011. 
  20. ^ a b "The Colombo/Persico/Orena Family" La Cosa Nostra – State of New Jersey Commission of Investigation 1989 Report
  21. ^ "The Colombo Family: Junior's War" By Anthony Bruno TruTV Crime Library
  22. ^ "FUHGEDDABOUD THE OLD MOB After Gotti, Mafia ordered to clean house" BY MICHELE MCPHEE New York Daily News July 7th 2002
  23. ^ Raab, pp. 495-496
  24. ^ Destefano, Anthony. King of the Godfathers 2006. Kensington Publishing Corp. New York City. pg. 203-204
  26. ^ a b "Nine Are Arrested in Sweeping Organized Crime Crackdown" by The Associated Press (June 5, 3008) The New York Times
  27. ^ "11 Years After Officer’s Slaying, Reputed Mob Figures Are Indicted" By MICHAEL WILSON and WILLIAM K. RASHBAUM New York Times December 18, 2008
  28. ^ a b "Four charged with membership in Mafia-connected crew" December 17, 2009
  29. ^ "Colombo Family Street Boss Indicted" Crime Family - December 19, 2009
  30. ^ a b "Colombo crime family boss Ralph DeLeo indicted on racketeering charges" BY John Marzulli New York Daily News December 18, 2009
  31. ^ "FBI alleges ‘crime boss’ DeLeo ran crew in Greater Boston" By Shelley Murphy Globe January 17, 2010
  32. ^ a b c "The Mafia family tree: FBI flowchart reveals 127 'mobsters' arrested in biggest ever blitz on New York's crime empires". The Daily Mail. January 20, 2011. 
  33. ^ a b c d e William K. Rashbaum "Nearly 125 Arrested in Sweeping Mob Roundup" (January 20, 2011) New York Times
  34. ^ a b c Maddux, Mitchel (September 30, 2011). "Co-paying for mob crimes". New York Post. 
  35. ^ a b Mob capo Reynold Maragni turns rat, wears wire for feds to bust Colombos by John Marzulli (December 15 2011) New York Daily News
  36. ^ a b c d e f DeVico, Peter J. The Mafia Made Easy: The Anatomy and Culture of La Cosa Nostra (pg. 174) Tate Publishing, 2007. ISBN 1-60247-254-8
  37. ^ a b American New York by Mario Machi
  38. ^ a b c La Cosa Nostra State of New Jersey Commission of Investigation 1989 Report. pg.17
  39. ^ "THE CITY; Persico Trial Put Off On Bribery Charges" (Jan. 6 1981) New York Times
  40. ^ "PERSICO RANK RANKLES AS HE IS GIVEN 5 YEARS" by: Joseph P.Fried (November 10, 1981) New York Times
  41. ^ a b Peter Maas Underboss: Sammy the Bull Gravano's Story of Life in the Mafia. (pg. 191-192)
  42. ^ a b c d Alphonse Persico, 61, Is Dead; Leader of Colombo Crime Family. September 13, 1989. New York Times
  43. ^ Colombo Figure Given 25 Years On '80 Charges by Leonard Buder (December 19, 1987) New York Times
  44. ^ Peter Maas Underboss: Sammy the Bull Gravano's Story of Life in the Mafia. (pg. 155)
  45. ^ a b c Colombo crime family 1987 Oct. 15, 2007. Getty Images
  46. ^ Selwyn Raab. Five Families: The Rise, Decline, and Resurgence of America's Most Powerful (pg.332-333)
  47. ^ "Even to the 5 Families, the Fighting Colombos Have Been Black Sheep" By SELWYN RAAB New York Times December 10, 1991
  48. ^ Jerry Capeci Mob Rips Jury-Tampering Sentence August 5, 1999. New York Daily News
  49. ^ a b c United States District Judge John F. Keenan Case 1:97-cv-08591-JFK (May 22, 2006)
  50. ^ Alphonse "Persico life sentence may end control of Colombo crime family" BY John Marzulli New York Daily News March 1st 2009
  51. ^ a b c d Updated Colombo Family Leadership being revealed?
  52. ^ a b c Colombo Organized Crime Family Acting Boss Alphonse T. Persico and Administration Member John J. Deross Sentenced to Life Imprisonment for the Murder of William "Wild Bill" Cutolo and Related Witness Tampering (February 27, 2009)
  53. ^ Jerry Capeci. "Newlyweds lead feds to reputed mob figure" (July, 31 1998)The Daily News
  54. ^ a b Colombo boss Thomas (Tommy Shots) Gioeli charged with '97 slay of cop by John Marzulli (July 15, 2010) New York Daily News
  55. ^ Kenny Gallo, Matthew Randazzo Breakshot: A Life in the 21st Century American Mafia (pg. 493-494)
  56. ^ John Marzulli 'Godfather star James Caan, furio from 'The Sopranos' go to bat for Colombo crime boss January 26, 2011. New York Daily News
  57. ^ My life in the Mafia by Vincent Charles Teresa and Thomas C. Renner 1973, (pg. 82)
  58. ^ Franzese Is Said to Have Killed '30 or 40 or 50' Persons by Sidney E. Zion (March 04, 1967) New York Times
  59. ^ a b A Family Business: Hijacking, Bookmaking, Policy, Dice Games Loan-sharking and Special Contracts; A family business by Fred J. Cook (June 04, 1972) New York Times
  60. ^ Colombo: The New Look in the Mafia; Joseph Colombo: The Head of a New Generation Family of Mafia Members by Nicholas Gage (May 3, 1971) New York Times
  61. ^ 6 Alleged Mafiosi Indicted in Nassau by Roy R. Silver (January 28, 1970) New York Times
  62. ^ Alleged Mob Figure Balking at Inquiry (October 16, 1974) New York Times
  63. ^ Hijacker of Truck Loses His Freedom Because of Cohorts (November 6, 1976) New York Times
  64. ^ News Summary; International National Metropolitan (June 5, 1977) New York Times
  65. ^ "I'll Make You an Offer You Can't Refuse" By Michael Franzese (page 75)
  66. ^ Colombo 'Family' Underboss Flees After Failure of Overthrow Chief; COLOMBO UNDERBOSS FLEES AS MOVE FAILSby: Nicholas Gage (June 5, 1977) New York Times
  67. ^ Reputed Crime Leader Disappears On Day for a Hearing on Sentence by:Unknown (June 24, 1980)
  68. ^ Organized Crime in America: hearings before the committee on judiciary, United States senate, ninety-eight congress, first session, on organized crime in America, part 1-2 (1984) (pg. 23)
  69. ^ "Jerry Capeci: Nephew of Top Mobster Aids in Colombo Family Takedown". Huffington Post. Retrieved 2011-03-28. 
  70. ^ "Bond by Honor: A Mafioso's Story" by Bill Bonanno (Page 24)
  71. ^ The complete idiot's guide to the Mafia By Jerry Capeci (view)
  72. ^ A Mafia Leader Admits Tax Guilt; Brooklyn Gang Figure Faces a 5-Year Jail Sentence (January 14, 1965) New York Times
  73. ^ a b Hearings (1969) United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. (pg.126)
  74. ^ The Mafia Made Easy: The Anatomy and Culture of La Cosa Nostra by Peter J. Devico (pg. 74)
  75. ^ Yacovelli Said to Succeed Colombo in Mafia Family; Yacovelli Called Successor to Colombo by Nicholas Gage (September 1, 1971) New York Times
  76. ^ "The mafia encyclopedia" by Carl Sifakis (pg.355)
  77. ^ a b Organized Crime in America: hearings before the committee on judiciary, United States senate, ninety-eight congress, first session, on organized crime in America, part 1-2 (1984) (pg. 273-274)
  78. ^ Colombo crime family 1984 Oct. 15, 2007. Getty Images
  79. ^ Mafia Son: The Scarpa Mob Family, the FBI, and a Story of Betrayal by Sandra Harmon (pg. 221)
  80. ^ a b c d e f Colombo crime family Persico faction Oct. 15, 2007. Getty Images
  81. ^ US of American v. Joseph Monteleone, Sr., Joseph Russo and Anthony Russo 257 F.3d 210 (2nd Cir. 2001)
  82. ^ a b c d Colombo crime family Orena faction Oct.15, 2007. Getty Images
  83. ^ a b Raab, Selwyn. The Five Families: The Rise, Decline & Resurgence of America's Most Powerful Mafia Empire pg.344-349
  84. ^ Federal Bureau of Prisons inmate Carmine Persico
  85. ^ "Alphonse Persico" Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator
  86. ^ Raab, Selwyn Five Families pg.329
  87. ^ Mob Boss Rips Jury-Tampering Sentence by Jerry Capeci (Aug. 5, 1999) New York Daily News
  88. ^ "Andrew Russo". Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator. Retrieved 12 November 2011. 
  89. ^ "John Franzese". Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator. Retrieved 18 October 2011. 
  90. ^ Indictment Unsealed Charging Colombo Family Administration Member Theodore Persico and Seven Others (March 09, 2010)
  91. ^ "Colombo Mobsters Charged with Extortion, Theft of Teamster Benefits" by Carl Horowitz (March 1, 2010) National Legal and Policy
  92. ^ Federal Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator: Joseph Baudanza (Released Feb. 18, 2011)
  93. ^ United States Court of Appeals "United States of America v. Vincent Aloi" (Decided Jan. 31, 1975)
  94. ^ a b The Changing Face of Organized in New Jersey A Status Report. May 2004. (pg 137-140) [3]
  95. ^ Federal Bureau of Prisons: Ralph Lombardo
  96. ^ "Turncoat Turns 'Mob Justice' Into Federal Justice" by Jerry Capeci New York The Sun (Sept. 13, 2007)
  97. ^ "Reputed Colombo Crime Family Capo, Michael Uvino, Gets 10 Years in Prison". The Chicago Syndicate (July 12, 2009)
  98. ^ "Michael Uvino". Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator. Retrieved 18 October 2011. 
  99. ^ "Colombo crime family boss Ralph DeLeo indicted on racketeering charges" by John Marzulli NY Daily News December 18th 2009
  100. ^ "Vincent Langella" Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator
  101. ^ by By Bob Ingle, Sandy McClure. (page 263)
  102. ^ "Daniel Persico" Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator
  103. ^ a b "The Mafia Made Easy: The Anatomy and Culture of La Cosa Nostra" By Peter J. Devico page 162 (Google Books)
  104. ^ "Theodore Persico" Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator
  105. ^ "Theodore Jr. Persico" Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator
  106. ^ "John DeRoss" Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator
  107. ^ "Mistrial Is Declared in Mob Murder Case" NEW YORK TIMES November 4, 2006
  108. ^ "F.B.I. Resumes Search for Mob Graves" By WILLIAM K. RASHBAUM New York Times March 9, 2009
  109. ^ United States v. Vincent DeMartino Find Law
  110. ^ "Two Found Guilty In Botched Coney Island Mob Hit" Brooklyn Daily Eagle May 14, 2004
  111. ^ "Echoes of Mob War Reverberate 15 Years Later" New York Sun July 20, 2006
  112. ^ Federal Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator Website
  113. ^ "Lawyers say mob vowed to make FBI agent 'bad guy'" BY SCOTT SHIFREL New York Daily News October 16th 2007
  114. ^ Colombo capo Michael Catapano's 'black sheep' bid to cut his sentence is rejected by judge By John Marzulli. New York Daily News. November 17, 2010
  115. ^ "Michael Catapano". Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator. Retrieved 18 October 2011. 
  116. ^ Robbins, Tom. Analyze This A Deadly Mobster's Pleading Letter for His Son. Village Voice. Jan 20, 2004 [4]
  117. ^ "Lawrence Persico" Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator
  118. ^ Yaniv, Oren. Son of jailed mob boss Carmine 'The Snake' Persico indicted for ordering hit. Daily News. August 19, 2011 [5]
  119. ^ Capeci, Jerry. Mob Boss Tied To 1999 Murders Of Stock Swindlers In NJ Mansion. New York Huffington Post. November 23, 2009 [6]
  120. ^ Selwyn Raab. Five Families: The Rise, Decline, and Resurgence of America's Most Powerful Mafia Empires. (pg. 322)
  121. ^ Mobsters, Unions, and feds: the mafia and the American labor movement by James B. Jacobs (page 191)
  122. ^ Gotham Unbound: How New York City was liberated from the grip of organized crime by: James B. Jacobs, Coleen Friel and Robert Radick (page 293)
  123. ^ "Ex-mobster shows ‘transformation is possible for anyone’" Mafia Today
  124. ^ "Pyrrhic Victory: Judge Grants a Hearing, Cancer Cancels It" by Jerry Capeci New York The Sun August 2, 2007
  125. ^ Umberto’s Clam House Opens For Business, And Bullets, Again. By John William Tuohy and Ed Becker (June 5, 2000) Rick Porrello's
  126. ^ Capeci, Jerry. "The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Mafia." Alpha, 2001. (view)
  127. ^ Masters of paradise: organized crime and the Internal Revenue Service in the Bahamas by Alan A. Block pg. 90
  128. ^ James, George (October 22, 1993). "Man Tied to Crime Family Is Shot to Death in Queens". New York Times. Retrieved 28 November 2011. 
  129. ^ Sicilian Blood, Time, September 3, 1956
  130. ^ "Benedetto Aloi" Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator
  131. ^ Ex-mafia kingpin: G-man helped me beat the system by Jerry Capeci (April 21, 2011) This Week In Gang Land
  132. ^ Capeci, Jerry. New York The Sun. Mob Obituaries: Boobie, Redbird, and the Brain December 14, 2006 [7]
  133. ^ "Frank Persico" Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator
  134. ^ Raab, Selwyn Five Families: The Rise, Decline, and Resurgence of America's Most Powerful Mafia Empires (p. 324)
  135. ^ a b c d e Capeci, Jerry. Jerry Capeci's Gang Land view
  136. ^ Paddy Whacked: The Untold Story of the Irish American Gangster By T. J. English read
  137. ^ "Nicholas Bianco; Crime Family Figure, 62". New York Times. November 16, 1994. Retrieved 17 October 2011. 
  138. ^ Marzulli, John (December 21, 2010). "Trial of 1980 Brooklyn mob rubout to feature a who's who of Mafia snitches". New York Daily News. Retrieved 28 November 2011. 
  139. ^ "What’s Left of the Mob" by Jerry Capeci New York Magazine May 21, 2005
  140. ^ a b "Anthony (Big Anthony) Russo becomes third Colombo capo to roll over to work with feds" by John Marzulli (February 5, 2011) New York Daily News
  141. ^ Capeci, Jerry (August 19, 1995). "Mob Plea Deal No Steal". New York Daily News. Retrieved 21 October 2011. 
  142. ^ a b c Mob wiseguy in cop hit, Colombo hit man Dino (Big Dino) Calabro, strikes deal with feds by John Marzulli (January 25, 2010) New York Daily News
  143. ^ a b Former Colombo family boss indicted in 1997 murder of NYPD cop Ralph Dols by John Marzulli (December 19, 2008) New York Daily News
  144. ^ a b Prosecutors to seek death penalty against ex-Colombo mob boss Joel Cacace for murder of NYPD cop by John Marzulli (February 10, 2011) New York Daily News
  145. ^ Two Found Guilty In Botched Coney Island Mob Hit by John Doyle (May 14, 2004) Brooklyn Daily Eagle
  146. ^ Corpse found at Long Island mob dig may be Wild Bill Cutolo by John Marzulli and Leo Standora (October 6, 2008) New York Daily News
  147. ^ "127 charged in federal mob crackdown" by Michael LaForgia The Palm Beach Post News (Jan. 20, 2011)
  148. ^ a b Capeci, Jerry (January 20, 1997). "Mob Canary Hears Birds Singing Picked Wrong Foe For Prison Fight". The New York Daily News. Retrieved 21 October 2011. 
  149. ^ Dannen, Fredric (December 16, 1996). "The G-man and the Hit Man". The New Yorker. Retrieved 22 October 2011. 
  150. ^ "Gregory Scarpa, Sr.". NNDB. Retrieved 22 October 2011. 
  151. ^ FRANCESCANI, CHRISTOPHER (September 29, 2000). "MURDEROUS MOB CANARY SPRUNG". New York Post. Retrieved 22 October 2011. 
  152. ^ Marzulli, John (July 20, 2010). "Colombo mobster Michael (Mickey) Souza, The Don of Screwups, now begging for witness protection". The New York Daily News. Retrieved 21 October 2011. 
  153. ^ "Colombo mobster Michael (Mickey) Souza, The Don of Screwups, now begging for witness protection" Mafia Today July 20, 2010
  154. ^ "Could another Colombo Family Persico be targeted by the Fed's". MafiaNewsToday. Retrieved 21 October 2011. 
  155. ^ "Made Men Who Attended College". Sho Nuff Mob. Retrieved 21 October 2011. 
  156. ^ Marzulli, John (2010-06-16). "Nod Father's son John Franzese Jr. sought to turn real life into reel life". New York Daily News. Retrieved 2011-10-03. 
  157. ^ "93-Year-Old Crime Boss Gets 12-Year Sentence". Associated Press. Retrieved 2011-10-05. 
  158. ^ Breakshot: A Life in the 21st Century American Mafia By Kenny Gallo, Matthew Randazzo pg.8
  159. ^ a b c d Picks and Pans Review: Sins of the Father by Nick Taylor (October 23, 1989)

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